Saturday, July 11, 2009

"I love you border police" - "Ana behibak mishmar hagvul"

This movie was uploaded to Youtube about 10 months ago.

The movie shows a young Palestinian being shouted at by couple of Israeli border police man.
While being armed and aggressive, they force him to slap himself in the face and say different things they find funny.
Here is the transcript, for the ones who do not understand Hebrew/Arabic:

Police man: "Yalla tathil" (go ahead, start)
Police man: "Hazak!" (louder!)
*Police men laughing while the young man slaps himself in the face*
Police man: "Tagid- Ana behibak mishmar hagvul!" (say- I love you border police)
Young Palestinian: "Ana behibak mishmar hagvul"
*Police men laughing while the young man continues to slap himself in the face*
Police man: "Od hapa'am!- Ana behibak mishmar gavul!" (Again- I love you border police)
Young Palestinian: "Ana behibak mishmar hagvul"
Police man: "Allah"
Young Palestinian repeats: "Allah"
Police man: "Ya Allah"
Young Palestinian repeats: "Ya Allah"
Police man: "Ya Ami"
Young Palestinian repeats: "Ya Ami"
Another Police man orders: "Tagid- wahad hummus wahad ful, ana behibak mishmar hagvul" (One hummus, one ful {fava beans} I love you border police)
Young Palestinian repeats: wahad hummus wahad ful, ana behibak mishmar hagvul"
Police man: "Aiwa" (yea)
Police man: "Ana benikak falastin" (I fuck you Palestine)
Young Palestinian repeats: "Ana benikak falastin"
Police man" "Aiwa, aiwa, ruh ruh..." (yea, yea...go, leave)


  1. Dude! Well done! Nicely made site! Tithadesh. Political opening arguments will be posted separately below. ;)

  2. Truth is, this happens in every army (caricatures), especially during times of war. Likewise a wall was built in Berlin... all this has happened before, and all this will happen again. Is the fence between the USA & Mexico that is currently being built a racist barrier, or one country fortifying its frontiers?

    As for the blatant abuse in the video, well, that's inexcusable, but it still doesn't throw the whole argument out the window, just because of a few @$$holes.

    I think the larger question is this: In Israel, distasteful images can been seen on teenage boys t-shirts straight out of basic training, presumably intended mainly for the enemies eyes... but what about what actually makes it to be broadcast by the Hamas, and printed even in the Egyptian press for mass consumption by the domestic population? I wouldn't mind so much if it was entirely anti-Israeli, but its also antisemitic (racist) to the extreme (blood matzas, etc.). I noticed that even those t-shirts - distasteful as they unquestionably are - seemed to be aimed at a specific nationality that recently democratically elected a party into power that still carries the destruction of Israel as its official agenda and are not focused on religion (at-least)...

  3. I didn't see any video like the video with the guy slapping himself on the face from any other army, I saw it from the Israeli army. I heard, though, of similar things that occurred in concentration camps in Germany.
    Any why is it ok if it happens in a time of war?
    And how does an apartheid regime oppressing a population of more than 4 million people for 40 years suddenly becomes a "war"? this is not a war, this is oppression.

    blood matzas and other anti-semitic caricature are very rare this these, even in Iran and mostly in Egypt.
    On the hand, a typical Arab person for Israelis
    (and this is also how it is represented in the media) is either a terrorist, a car thief or just a very stupid person.

    I don't get it. Before the democratic elections in the occupied palestinian territories, Fatah was in chrage of the business and Israel hated Yasser Arafet.
    Then, U.S and Israel pusehed the palestinians to make a democratic elections, which they did, and Hammas won. And again, Israel is not accepting the Palestinian partner as an equal one.

    While Hammas only has an agenda of the destruction of Israel, it does not carry out (almost) anything which can actually destroy it.
    While Israel De-facto destroyed Gaza and is still expanding the settlemnts in the west bank, causing the destruction of the future palestinian country.
